Learning Outcomes

TIGERS 6 PRINCIPLES™ Leadership Essentials provides a deep working knowledge and application of trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk resolution and success in leadership behavior and team performance for enhanced employee engagement and transformational team development outcomes. Through an effective blend of practical tools, concepts, case studies and coaching techniques, this training empowers you to improve your team dynamics, group process and employee connections within the course design. SHRM continuing Ed credit is available.

  • Build your leadership skills and confidence to deepen connections and improve trust while enhancing team success throughout your teams' life cycles.

  • Correct team conflict and improve team cooperation, engagement and performance.

  • Foster a positive work environment that promotes loyalty and engagement.

  • Inspire new ways that your team members interact so team behavior supports mutual cooperation and improved team relationships.

  • Enhance group process so more goals are successfully achieved with a felt sense of satisfaction and well-being among employees.

Course Content

Self-paced with 3 instructor coaching sessions. Learning platform includes video, audio, text, personal assessments, quizzes, coaching handouts and instructor response bulletin board support. Organizations enrolling 5 or more employees receive customized group development support and team development coaching.

    1. TIGERS 6 Principles Team Leadership Welcome Video

    2. How to Navigate Your Training Site

    3. Tips For Your Superior Outcomes

    4. Introduction Handouts

    5. Introduction Video Part 1

    6. Introduction Video Part 2

    7. White Paper: How to Build a Collaborative Work Culture

    8. Bonus Audio: Intro to TIGERS

    9. Assessment: Characteristics of an Effective Team

    10. TIGERS Team Development Principles

    1. Trust Welcome Video

    2. Trust Handout

    3. Trust Video Part 1

    4. Trust Video Part 2

    5. Do You Trust Your Team - Short Video

    6. How to Build and Rebuild Trust

    7. Bonus Audio: Trust

    8. Trust assessment - How trustworthy are you?

    1. Interdependence Introduction Video

    2. Interdependence Handout

    3. Interdependence Video 1

    4. Interdependence Video 2

    5. From Independence to Interdependence TED Talk

    6. Bonus Audio: Interdependence

    7. Assessment: Interdependence Inventory

    1. Genuineness Introductory Video

    2. Genuineness Handout

    3. Genuineness Video 1

    4. Genuineness Video 2

    5. TED Talk: What It Takes To Be A Great Leader

    6. The 7 Habits of Genuine People

    7. Bonus Audio: Genuineness

    8. Genuineness Inventory

    1. Empathy Introductory Video

    2. Empathy Handout

    3. Empathy Video 1

    4. Empathy Video 2

    5. Ted Talk: A Radical Experiment In Empathy

    6. How is Empathy Different Than Sympathy

    7. Bonus Audio: Empathy

    8. Empathy Inventory

    9. Simon Sinek On Empathy

    1. Risk Introductory Video

    2. Risk Handout

    3. Risk Video 1

    4. Risk Video 2

    5. Ted Talk: Learning to Risk or Risking to Learn

    6. 10 Easy Rules to Reduce Risks on Projects

    7. Bonus Audio: Risk

    8. Risk Inventory

Course Investment

  • $995.00


TIGERS 6 Principles, Founder Dianne Crampton

Dianne Crampton is the founder and researcher behind the TIGERS 6 Principles. She studied education, psychology and business group dynamic research from which the TIGERS 6 Principles - trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk resolution and success - emerged. She is one of North America's leading experts on collaborative workforce and leadership development. Independently validated by Gonzaga University and The Washington Education Association, the TIGERS 6 Principles comprehensive system has helped motivated leaders and their employees through mergers, culture change and group process problems. Dianne's depth of knowledge helps committed leaders build work cultures where cooperation among employees and collaboration between departments drive engagement, talent retention, growth and revenue. Crampton, the founder and president of TIGERS® Success Series, Inc., holds an advanced degree in Organizational Leadership and System Design from Gonzaga University.

Get Started Now

Improve your work group's behavior, performance, engagement and accountability for measurable improvement in your organization's bottom line year after year.

What People Have Said

Best Tools for Educators and Managers

Tony Lacertosa

I have taught both math and science to non-traditional students and STEM courses at the college level. Leadership Essentials launched my interest in helping my students collaborate more and it gave me ways to connect with students on a higher level. I recommend this course.

This Course Delivered!

Karen, North Carolina

I wanted to enhance my skills to improve how my team cooperates so we could achieve more goals. This course helped me reach that goal. I established more trust while improving the guidance I delivered to my team. How team members treated one another also improved because of the bonus tools I used to train my team that comes with this course.

Excellent video case studies

Jim Jefferies

Practical examples. Great tools. Personalized stuff. This course expanded my leadership coaching practice and the step-by-step process and assessments are something I use all the time.

Game Changer

Tajul Islam Dolan

I give this training 5 stars out of 5 stars. The TIGERS 6 Principles Leadership Essentials training was transformative for me and my tech team. It equipped me with success behaviors within my teams. The training fosters safe discussions that improved our team process through engaged employee contributions that they owned and worked to keep productive. This saved me time by not having to focus on their conflicts because they handled them personally. As with the Collaborative Leader course I also invested in, this course provided practical tools to streamline group processes, avoid collaboration pitfalls, and enhance employee connections.

Worth it!

Antoine, Toronto

I invested in this course personally. It is worth every penny, especially since my company didn't offer training at this level. The return on investment in terms of improved team behavior, productivity, and overall satisfaction was undeniable. I can confidently say that the TIGERS 6 Principles Leadership Essentials Course has equipped me with the tools and confidence to lead my team effectively. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to any Manager seeking to unlock the full potential of their team and drive better business outcomes that get noticed.

Real world applicability

Dan Shepard, Vancouver

What sets this course apart is its practicality and real-world applicability. I implemented the strategies between coaching calls. The techniques taught in the course and results are remarkable. Engagement improved. Now I can focus my conversations to my staff's strengths and areas of growth.

Lowered Turnover

Tanya Greggerson, HR Manager

I can't stress enough how transformative the TIGERS 6 Principles Leadership Essentials Course has been for me as a Manager. This training addresses the specific needs of college graduates we are hiring now with precision and effectiveness.