Course curriculum

You receive 48 weekly micro-training segments designed so you can practice what you learn. Your course supplies personal assessments so your coaching is customized for your optimum success and you have clear direction on how to improve your genuine communication success. The value of genuine communication can not be understated. Improving your communication skills is like unlocking a superpower that positively impacts all areas of your life and work-life balance. Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. When you communicate clearly, authentically, and empathetically, you build trust, understanding, and connection with others. This enhanced communication fosters stronger bonds with family, friends, and colleagues, leading to more fulfilling relationships and support systems. Moreover, in the workplace, improved communication enables efficient collaboration, boosts productivity, and minimizes misunderstandings or conflicts. You become a better partner for decision-making and problem-solving so your team interactions insulate your career from the impacts of artificial intelligence. As you become a better communicator, you can articulate your needs, set boundaries, and express yourself confidently, leading to a healthier work-life balance. When your communication is grounded in authenticity and empathy, you cultivate a positive work culture, where open dialogue and mutual respect thrive. Ultimately, enhancing your communication skills transcends professional success and empowers you to lead a more harmonious, fulfilling, and balanced life in every aspect.

    1. Genuineness Month 1 - Overview

    2. Week 1 - How to reap the rewards of genuine communication

    3. Week 2 - The benefit of appointing a contrarian for effective decision-Making

    4. Week 3: What it means to be genuine

    5. Week 4 - How to overcome doubt in yourself

    6. Genuineness Personal Assessment

    7. Testing your knowledge for month 1

    1. Genuineness Month 2 - Overview

    2. Week 5 - Communication Style Inventory

    3. Week 5 - Communication Style Inventory to download and score

    4. Week 5 - Communication styles introduction

    5. Week 5 - Body Zones and Response Time

    6. Week 5 - Style descriptives

    7. Week 5- Question for group discussion

    8. Week 6 - THE DRIVER

    9. Week 6 - Driver communication style

    10. Week 6 - Driver Communication Style

    11. Week 7 - THE EXPRESSIVE

    12. Week 7 - Expressive communication style

    13. Week 7- Expressive Communication Style

    14. Week 8 - Exploring Extroverted Communicators with The Driver and Expressive Communication Styles

    15. Week 8 - For Review

    1. Genuine Communicator - Month 3 Overview

    2. Week 9 - The Amiable Communication Style

    3. The Amiable Communication Style

    4. Week 9 - Amiable Communication Style

    5. Week 10 - Analytical Style

    6. Week 10 - Analytical Communication Style

    7. Week 11 - Styles Tendencies Summary

    8. Week 12 - Gender Biased Communication

    9. Week 12 - Why Does Yelling at Work Still Persist When the Fall-out Damage is known?

    10. Week 12 - The Downside of Being Too Nice

    11. Week 12 - Employee Development Plan

    12. The Analytical Communication Style

    1. Genuine Communicator - Month 4 Overview

    2. Week 13 - Driver Compatibilities

    3. Week 14 - Expressive Compatibilities

    4. Week 15 - Amiable Compatibilities

    5. Week 16 - Analytical Compatibilities

    6. Week 16- Questions for group discussions

    1. Genuine Communication - Month 5 Overview

    2. Week 17 - Genuineness in the Workplace – How Essential is it to Team Work?

    3. Week 18 - Building Your Assertiveness

    4. Week 19 - How you handle conflict is a good indication of your genuine communication

    5. Week 20 - How is being assertive different from passive or aggressive?

    6. Week 20 - Assertive, Passive or Aggressive

    7. Week 20 - Assertive phrases to use in four distinct situations

    8. Week 20 - Scripts for saying no.

    9. Genuine Communicator Month 5 Quiz

About this course

One time price or pay monthly options

This on demand training offers 12 monthly coaching calls. Once you enroll, your course instructor will reach out to you to schedule your coaching calls. You have two options. The first is to pay monthly and the second is for one single payment. In the monthly option, a course will be opened each month for you. In the single payment option, all courses are opened for you. This program is for one year but can be escalated in the one payment option.


TIGERS 6 Principles, Founder Dianne Crampton

Dianne Crampton is the founder and researcher behind the TIGERS 6 Principles. She studied education, psychology and business group dynamic research from which the TIGERS 6 Principles - trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk resolution and success - emerged. She is one of North America's leading experts on collaborative workforce and leadership development. Independently validated by Gonzaga University and The Washington Education Association, the TIGERS 6 Principles comprehensive system has helped motivated leaders and their employees through mergers, culture change and group process problems. Dianne's depth of knowledge helps committed leaders build work cultures where cooperation among employees and collaboration between departments drive engagement, talent retention, growth and revenue. Crampton, the founder and president of TIGERS® Success Series, Inc., holds an advanced degree in Organizational Leadership and System Design from Gonzaga University.

Make Yourself an Exceptional Communicator

Don't get left behind.


Improved Leadership and Team Communication

Steve Gorlin

This was a great experience for my team and leaders. It improved our team and leadership communication and the team liked it. Superior learning and team development experience.